Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to some of our members most frequently asked questions.
I noticed each event has a skill level listed. How do you ensure players meet the skill level described in the event description?
We encourage our members to accurately declare their skill level on their OpenSports profile. That is usually enough for most players to only attend events appropriate for them, however levels are self reported. If a player is consistently performing below the target skill level for an event, the organizer may ask them to attend lower level events instead.
As a group that organizes events for the public we cannot guarantee the skill level will always be perfect, and it will likely fluctuate a bit from week to week depending on players interest an availability. We try our best to keep the average level of even ts close to what they are labeled.
Do not base your skill level by the attendees with whom you've played, instead judge yourself in relation to the skill level description or play at regional tournaments.
You can check out our level guidelines
If you’re unsure of your skill level, start low, and if the event is below your level multiple times (or below your level by a wide margin), play up a level and repeat till you feel satisfied with the play. It’s much harder to move upwards if an organizer needs to ask you to attend lower level events.
How do I join?
You don't need a membership to join Philly Volleyball events, but staying connected through our Facebook group and instagram helps you stay informed about playing opportunities in the community.
For frequent players, we suggest considering a membership for discounts on all events. The basic membership offers $2 off every pickup event, while the friends and family option provides the same discount for you and any guests you register. With the basic membership priced at $10.95, if you anticipate attending more than 5 events annually, it's a worthwhile investment.
How do I sign up for events?
We use the app called Opensports to organize and publicize events. Events are open to the public, but you must have a reservation through the app to attend.
For help getting started with Opensports, check out this post
Is there a waitlist or a way to be notified when a spot becomes available in a formerly full event?
When an event fills on OpenSports, the waitlist feature is automatically enabled. When you join the waitlist, you will be notified if you get an opportunity to sign up.
If the opportunity to claim the spot passes, the next wait list person is notified, and you will have to sign up for the waitlist again. More than a day before the event, the claim window is 2 hours. The day of the event, the claim window is 30 minutes. In the last hour before the event the claim window is 10 minutes.
If there are a lot of spots open close to the event start time, a host may opt to cancel the waitlist to allow players to sign up and fill the event.
I used to play volleyball, but it's been a while. Where do I start?
We recommend you read the event description for skill level information. If the descriptions don't help, then simply start low, and if the event is too easy, play up a level and repeat till you feel satisfied with the play.
If you played in high school or club volleyball and haven't played since, you're likely somewhere in the B to lower BB range. If you played at a club level through college, you'll likely be in the BB range. Keep in mind that not only may you be rusty, but you may not be in the physical shape you used to be it.
You can check out our more detailed level guidelines
Do I need to be invited to events?
You can sign up for any event you can see on Opensports. You do not need to be invited, however you do need to sign up to reserve a spot (and may fill up fast.)
If you do want to get invites on Opensports (this just send you a notification about events), make sure you set up your profile and sportscards.
Who can play at events?
Any one over the age of 18 may join events. Most events will have a target skill level, and some may be restricted to a specific gender.
Teens aged 14-17 may play in tournaments with a parental/guardian waiver. We do not have a waiver option for pickup events yet.
Where are events held?
Our events are typically hosted at gyms and parks throughout Philadelphia and the surrounding area. You can see what neighborhoods we have events in here or you see individual events on opensports.
Our events are held at gyms and parks across Philadelphia and its surrounding areas. You can check out the neighborhoods where we host events here, or view specific events on OpenSports.
When does the season start?
We have indoor pickup volleyball all year round and grass volleyball during warmer months.
Our leagues usually run every 12 weeks starting in January.
Does Philly Volleyball have any youth events?
Philly Volleyball doesn't currently have any youth programs, but we're hoping to add some soon.
In the mean time you can check out this post with some local youth rersources
How do I find out when events are happening?
Members of our OpenSports group receive notices via their native phone app. The notifications go out to members with the targeted skill levels for the event. Most organizers will use the “Sports Cards” for invites, so make sure you have those set up on your profile. We also announce larger events via social media like our Facebook group and Instagram.
Recurring events are usually posted on Opensports around the same time each week, but the timing will vary from organizer to organizer.
Can I get a refund?
Refunds are automatically given, provided the attendee cancels before the cancellation deadline listed on the event page, typically between 24 and 4 hours before the event, depending on the venue and organizer. Refunds are issued to your Opensports account and will be automatically applied to the next event you sign up for (this helps keep credit card fees and the overall price of events lower.)
If you need to cancel, you should do so as soon as you know that you will not be able to attend, both for the refund deadline and because
- It allows another player to attend giving everyone the best possible experience
- A full event better helps the group afford the facilities in which we play, and other expenses
How much does it cost to play?
Events range in costs based on the venue. The fees charged for events go towards paying for gym time/permits for parks, and volleyball equipment.
Gym time tends to cost more, and usually ranges between $3-6/hour depending on the gym. Outdoor events are much cheaper and usually cost $3 regardless of the length of the event (and just $1 with a membership!)
Philly Volleyball is a non-profit and we do our best to keep our events accessible. All money charged for events goes right back to volleyball related expenses.